Worship Arts: Audio Visual Support Team | A Church-wide Call

By now you’ve most likely heard about our audio visual support team. I’d like to share more about this, and why we’ve moved to a team model.

The audio visual support team plays a crucial role in our Worship Arts Ministry. Over the past few years, we have been working hard to create a space and flow, through art and technology, that enhances and supports congregational worship. We are intentional in all that we do. We think about the newcomer, and how we might help those who are unfamiliar with our services. We strive to use technology in a way that supports the congregation and removes barriers.

We have much in place that, on the surface, one may not notice. That’s the goal, that our technology would support and not distract. A look behind the scenes reveals a lot more. We project lyrics, scriptures, and liturgical responses to encourage congregational involvement in worship. We run separate audio mixes for the congregation, the music teams, our hearing assist app, and livestream. The team manages two cameras throughout the service to provide video for those who cannot attend in person. We manage, in real time, the microphones of those speaking in worship. We offer podcast and video recordings of our weekly sermons. I, Tim Evans, support and organize our team through training and weekly preparation to create and facilitate a simple and efficient experience as they carry out their various roles. We do all of this, to create a space for people to hear the Gospel and to respond in worship. We do all of this to support the mission of the church.

In sharing this, I am issuing a call. Our audio visual needs have grown well beyond the capacity of one person. All of these tasks are simple and easy to carry out, but cannot be carried out simultaneously by one person. We truly need a robust team to support our worship gatherings. I’d like to give special thanks to those who have stepped up in a big way during these first months of transition. They have helped us continue on without missing a beat. I’d also, as soon as possible, like to tell them that help is on the way! Here’s the call. It takes two people to operate well the booth at any given service. No time outside of the Sunday morning service is required. I prepare everything for you. To fill the team, we need eight people from our 8:30am service and eight people from our 10:30am service to come on board (that’s an audio pun). This would allow for a rotation of about once a month in the booth at your preferred service. Many hands mike light work, if you will. We currently have one person regularly serving the 8:30am service, and two people serving the 10:30am service. If you have been thinking about joining a ministry team at CSP, this is your invitation! No experience is needed or required. Please consider, and don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I also ask that you spread the word.

I believe God is growing us in our capacity to reach our surrounding community with the Gospel. We must be prepared to receive those who come through our doors, and I am so excited and blessed to join you as we answer the call.

Your Worship Arts Director,

Tim Evans


Advent & Christmas | A Deeper Union