Moving Mountains Group Discipleship Series

Getting Started & Initial Thoughts

Welcome to the Moving Mountains group discipleship series. As we read the book together, we will explore various aspects of our prayer lives, in order that we may grow in our understanding AND practice of prayer.

I’d like to offer a few preliminary thoughts and assumptions that we should carry as we enter into this series. First, I want to remind us that we are all in process. God delights in growing us up, and we grow in our prayer life and maturity over the course of a lifetime. For example, I would not give the keys to my car to my ten year old son. He still has a lot to learn about the responsibility that comes with that. However, I don’t hold that against him. I am delighted with his skill on his bicycle, and his school work, and his relationships with his brothers. That is where he is now, and that is good and right. When he is ready, I will hand him the keys, and I will teach him to drive. As we read this book and explore the different aspects of prayer, I encourage us to remember that we are all in different stages on the journey. God knows this, and He delights in us right where we are. He is committed to growing us up as a Good Father is committed to his children.

Second, the author ventures into categories that are messy, and at times uncomfortable, but necessary. He admits that there are moments in his prayer life that he will most likely not understand this side of Heaven. I want to say that I’ve read many of his books, and while the material may be challenging, Eldredge ultimately moves towards these subjects with humility and grace. As you read, invite the Holy Spirit to anoint your reading and to guide you in the areas God would have you explore. Be open and honest with God, and He will honor that.

So, why this book? Why a study on prayer? Our prayer life is our life with God. It is where we find intimacy with God. A life without prayer is like driving down the highway blindfolded. It’s not going to work. In prayer we find perspective, counsel, and care. Through prayer we are transformed. In prayer we learn to partner with God and to play our part in bringing His Kingdom to earth.

Friends, I am so excited to enter into this series with you. It is my hope and prayer that this inspires healthy conversation and growth among us. I am certain that as we commit ourselves to prayer, and to inviting God to grow us up, we will see the Kingdom brought to our world here and now.

Stay tuned for weekly content as we move through this series. Subscribe to the Worship Leader’s Blog to receive email updates when content is released.

Moving Mountains

Praying with Passion, Confidence, and Authority

by John Eldrege


Moving Mountains Group Discipleship Series