What to expect…
(…and other Frequently Asked Questions)
You can expect a friendly welcome. CSP is a community of people that find hope in the Christian gospel and that gospel is what brings us all together.
Every Sunday you will experience a richness of worship guided by the Book of Common Prayer - we call the structure and the actions “liturgy,” which means “work of the people.” It is the historic practice of the church and we find it beautiful and formational.
We believe the Bible is foundational in revealing God’s design for his creation, so every Sunday you will experience a message grounded in the Bible and true the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles, his first disciples.
Our hope is that each and every Sunday you can expect to experience God in a special way. That you come to know him better and that you will be encouraged to let him guide you and transform you and love you.
As an Anglican church, we follow the structure of service found in the Book of Common Prayer. We have intentional times of music, prayer, teaching, and Eucharist, also called Holy Communion. We believe communion is a sacrament and a gift to baptized Christians. No matter what church background you have, if you have been baptized, you are welcome at the Lord’s Table.
Our music blends the strong truths of the ancient hymns with the personal connection of contemporary praise music. The 8:30am service is led by a small ensemble and a multi-instrument band leads the 10:30am service. The music is a part of our worship, helping us to engage with and honor the God we gather to honor.
We love serving our children and believe deeply in providing a church experience that helps cultivate their own understanding of God and relationship with Jesus.
KidZone is children (3 years to 5th grade) programing that fosters curiosity and engagement of biblical truths at their level.
Parents check children in prior to service in the ministry center. The children begin in the main service and released at certain time for their class. They then return to be seated with their families for communion.
Nursery care is available at both services for 3 years to birth.
Dress ranges from the occasional jacket and tie to casual clothing and come-as-you-are attire.
We welcome people from many church traditions, as well as many who have no previous church affiliation. A few times a year we offer opportunities to learn more about CSP, Christianity in general, and the Anglican tradition in particular.
The opportunity for baptism is scheduled on the first Sunday of each month. Confirmation for youth and adults is offered each spring, to coincide with the Bishop’s visit to CSP.
If by joining you mean be a “voting” member of CSP, one needs to be a baptized Christian, regularly participating in worship and contributing financially to the ongoing mission of the church.
Yes… it is a place to find belonging, fellowship, discipleship, prayer, and people with whom to share both joy and sorrow. It’s a great community of people with which to walk through life together.
You are welcome here.