My name is Kyle Holtzhower. I am by faith a child of God.
Above all else, I hope that my life would be one that is found full of three things: honoring God, loving my family, and serving the body of Christ, the church.
My wife Kortney, daughter Scotlyn, and my son Banner are God’s very special gifts to me, he knew I needed them. Some other significant details you may or may not want to know are thus… I spent six years on active duty service in the Air Force. My early life of faith was formed within the pentecostal movement, being raised in the Church of God denomination and later being an Assemblies of God pastor. I studied Theology, Ministry, and Business at Southeastern University and received a Master’s Degree in Christian Thought from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC. Towards the end of my seminary experience, I was led into the Anglican tradition and have been ordained as priest since 2018. After serving in an associate role at St. Andrew’s Anglican Church in Mt. Pleasant for four years, I was called by Christ-St. Paul’s to be the new lead pastor. My family and I moved to Hollywood and began our life with CSP in August of 2021.
It is the joy and privilege of my life to be used by God for the development and formation of his Son’s followers, and the building of his kingdom on earth.
If you are in the West Charleston area, Meggett, Hollywood, Ravenel, or wherever and are curious about church, a life of faith as a Christian, or anything at all really, I’d love to connect with you. And just in case you don’t know it or haven’t heard it in a while, God loves you deeply and cares more about YOU than you could ever imagine.
Grace and Peace.