Congregational Letter - September 2024

Dear Family of God in Christ,

Greetings to you in the name of Jesus our Lord - the defender and protector of the faith. Last year we established September as Safe Church Month - where we intentionally highlight the various ways in which we help make our church a safe environment for all people, especially those who might be considered the most vulnerable. Vulnerability is a matter of degree, for everyone is vulnerable merely by being alive in a world filled with sin. Yet there are those among us that tend to be at greater risk due to age, mental capacity, physical capacity, etc. Throughout the scriptures God shows himself to be for the weak and vulnerable and that extra care must be taken to ensure they are provided for. This truth makes Jesus not just the defender and protector of the faith, but the defender and protector of the lowly, the least, and the vulnerable. Because we are his people, we take on this responsibility and charge.

Over the last two years our diocese has increased its efforts to see all churches in our association establish and maintain a more robust system for making our churches more safe. A Canon for Safe Churches was established, with the Reverend Canon Laura Bowman overseeing the work. A special committee was established to create a new safe church policy and that policy has been approved by the Standing Committee of the ADOSC and is now in the hands of the rectors to see to its implementation. As I sit on the Diocesan Council, I am proud of the effort and believe this heightened emphasis is necessary and matches with the call of Christ in our lives.

Having said that, many of you who volunteer with children's ministry and youth ministry already know that we take it very seriously. Evan, our Family Ministry Director, has established the precedent, at the very beginning of a member's inquiry to be a volunteer, that following the protocol for applying, screening, and training is required prior to the individual serving with children and youth. With the policy in place from the diocese it is imperative that we as a church maintain this with great intentionality. I thank you and especially those willing to serve our children for the continued support and willingness to not only abide by the policy but also advocate for it.

Having a safe church does not just regard protecting children from predators. In the last several decades, we have witnessed an increase in violent acts against churches in general, with individuals bringing weapons into places of worship with the intent of doing grave harm. This is not a new phenomenon for the church, though it has caused us to be more vigilant and establish new protocols in order to secure our spaces. Christ-St. Paul’s has an established security team consisting of male volunteers who patrol the parking lot during services for the sake of early detection. Just as it is wise to regularly change your various passwords, shifting and updating physical security measures is an important and good practice for organizations to do so as to make themselves “harder” targets. With that in mind, please be aware of the following adjustments to our security protocols.

Beginning this Sunday we will employ an off duty sheriff's deputy during the time leading up to and shortly after worship services. In addition to this, Ministry Center doors will be secured during the hours of worship for the safety of the children, staff and volunteers in that building. Should a need arise to enter the Ministry Center during this time, keys to the building will be in the care of the head usher and security volunteer. Further measures will be announced at a later date. We believe these two measures will significantly strengthen our security and help us maintain a safe and secure environment for all who attend and worship.

In light of all this, we still remain a people that does not live in fear or anxiety but entrusts all things to the care and protection of our Lord. He is the defender and protector of the faith as well as the lowly, least, and vulnerable. Thank you for your commitment to this church body and the care and support of all who call it home and find solace within its doors. I am grateful for you and the life in Christ we share together.

Blessings in Christ,

Kyle Holtzhower+


Stewardship Letter 2024


Creating an Invitational Life